Roland JD-Xi "Summer Madness" Ad Lib
12 Vues
Yankee Greg
27 Jul 2019
Not meant to be a cover. Just a quick demonstration of how the JD-Xi can be used for something other than the EDM crowd it's being marketed towards. As you can see, building the groove is very easy - never having to stop the sequencer. I used the SH-01 Gaia to program the electric piano part (got to have full size keys for playing chords with notes so close together). Rest of the groove programmed with the JX's minikeys. Then, I ad lib some lead with the Gaia. Sorry about the flubbed notes - not a key I'm used to improving on. Audio from JD-Xi was routed into the Gaia's external input, then the mixed output from the Gaia ran straight into the Zoom Q3HD camera.
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