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MakeNoise Mysteron - Retrometabolism

15 Vues
27 Jul 2019

This patch was inspired from the Industrial Guitar Tones patch from the Mysteron Manual via (Walker Farrell (@VortexRanger). Instead of using a DPO in tune to a fth, or octave + above Mysteron I used a intelljiel quantizer, shifting through a 5 note scale, which was running into the Pitch1 input. The output was then put into a Synthesis Technology E580 resampling mini-delay, setting the offset time very low, while setting the feedback almost at 90%. Mix was set at 50%, while the offset CV control was being controlled by channel 1 output on the Modcan Quad LFO, which was being clocked by the SSF Ultra Random. The output from here was sent to the MakeNoise Erbverb reverb, that was being controlled by the seed out on the Animatter BrainSeed module, which was clocked from a SSF UltraRandom and using the A, A/B and B S&H outputs going into the "type", !!, "generation"and "depth" inputs. 4 note low bassline using one MakeNoise STO sequenced from one Brains and Pressure Points, running and /8 clocked speed from the A-160 Clock/Trigger Divider. Purple noise output creating the micro hi-hats triggered swing triplets via the 4ms QCD, and slow white noise rises from the SSF white noise output, controlled by a Dixie "triangle" wave output running and synced at a slow rate. Noise output then running into the Mungo d0 adding little glitches to the signal. The kick drum is the Tiptop 808 BD, set with a very short decay time, sequenced from channel 1 on the TriggerMan. Rich 4 part harmony chords recorded from a Roland Jupiter-6, and then played from the Qu-Bit Nebulae module triggered in time by a divided 32 from the doepfer A-160 to reset loop playback with the entire sequence. Reverb throws from multiplied output from Mysteron into the intelljiel HexVCA, channel 6 being opened by channel 4 random S&H output from the Modcan Quad LFO. Scattered single notes via the Mutable Instruments Braids triggered by the intelljiel "uscale", 16 note lowpass gate openings via the Optomix.

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